
At the current time we are fully staffed. Thank you for your interest in our organization.

Check back for future opportunities.


Resourceful Futures takes pride in hiring Community Disability Workers who are professional, passionate, compassionate, and non-judgmental with exceptional communication skills.

Resourceful Futures strongly promotes cultural diversity. Currently we have over 26 different flags hanging in our dayroom representing the cultural diversity within our organization.

Below, we have identified the primary job profiles at Resourceful Futures. If you are working in the field of Community Disability Services or are thinking about a career in this sector, and want to work for an organization that is on the leading edge, we want to hear from you.

Resourceful Futures' Primary Job Profiles

The CDW is an entry level, front line community disability role that has responsibility to support and facilitate the development of skills and competencies that will assist persons with disabilities to pursue and fulfill their goals, objectives and aspirations.

The CDP is an experienced direct support role in the field, providing direct support to individual’s with disabilities, as well as participating in assessment, person-centered planning, and plan implementation. While many of the core activities are similar to those of a Community Disability Services Worker, their application is typically relative to more complicated and/or specialized individual situations or environments. The role typically requires additional specialized education/training and more extensive experience to provide support in more complex circumstances, as well as cover a broader range of service and support options. In some cases, the Community Disability Practitioner will focus activities within a particular area of service/support and/or coordination of other less experience service providers, but without full supervisory responsibility.

The SCDP is an experienced direct support role in the field, providing direct support to individuals with complex needs. It requires similar education and training to the CDP position, but there is an added expectation to be able to work with virtually any client and their challenging behaviours. It requires a greater level of confidence and competence than the CDP position.

This position is funded on a monthly fee for service under a contractual agreement and remuneration is based on experience, education and the ability to provide the required supports. This position requires that an Adult with Developmental Disabilities is cared for in your primary place of residence. The individual is responsible for paying room and board fees. You are typically not responsible for providing care from 9 am to 3 pm Monday through Friday, except for statutory holidays and/or whenever the individual is not attending programs during these hours.
NOTE: If you are applying to be a Permitted Subcontractor, please ensure your credentials are equivalent to a Community Disability Practitioner level.

To learn more about these career opportunities, please send us your resume and/or contact use this format: Download PDF

Kendra Sillito

HR Manager

We would like to thank you in advance for submitting your resume. We will contact you if we are considering you for a position within our organization.

RFCSL Holiday January 01 Monday, 2024 New Year's Day

RFCSL Holiday 

December 23 Monday Mandatory Day off (Vac or Leave)
December 24 Tuesday Floating Day
December 25 Wednesday Christmas Day
December 26 Thursday Boxing Day
December 27 Friday In lieu of Remembrance Day


RFCSL Holiday October 14 Monday, 2024 Thanksgiving Day

RFCSL Holiday September 2 Monday, 2024 Labor Day

RFCSL Holiday August 05 Monday, 2024 Heritage Day

RFCSL Holiday July 1 Monday, 2024 Canada Day

RFCSL Holiday May 20 Monday, 2024 Victoria Day

RFCSL Holiday March 29 Friday, 2024 Good Friday

RFCSL Holiday February 19 Monday, 2024 Family Day

New Posting "Permanent Residential Placement needed"

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please send us your resume and/or contact use this format Click here
