Resourceful Futures Community Access Program (including outreach) will NOT be operating on the following days:
The Community Access Program is currently closed to services, however if you call in advance, you can come in for a visit.
- December 24 In Lieu of Christmas Day
- December 27 In Lieu of Boxing Day
- December 28 In lieu of Remembrance Day
- December 29 Floating Day
- December 30 Mandatory Day off (Vacation or Leave)
- December 31 In Lieu of New Year’s Day, 2022

Please see below for our regularly scheduled Zoom meetings for Community Access.
We are offering a wide range of events virtually (online). Everything from group chats, individual meetings, bingo, music class, world travel, “how to”, topical discussions, and anything else you might like to add!
(Monday) Music
Meeting ID: 8643555350 Every week on Monday @ 1:00 PM
(Tuesday) Virtual Socialization
Meeting ID: 83369471209 Every week on Tue 10:00 am
Meeting ID: 82047379849
Every week on Tue @ 1:00 PM
(Wednesday) Cultural Presentation
Meeting ID : 83205722295 Every week on Wed 10:00 am
(Wednesday) BINGO Games
Meeting ID: 896 4313 7655 Every week on Wed @ 1:00 PM
(Thursday) Clients’ Cultural Presentation
Meeting ID: 86454179605 Every week on Thu @ 10:00 am
Throwback Thursday
Meeting ID: 81921819728
Every week on Thurs @1:00 PM

Several new modules have been added to Open Futures Online Learning including Growing Older, Looking After My Mental Health and many, many more………. check it out! This is a great time to increase your knowledge of the field of disability studies on a great, cost free platform, working at your own pace. Please contact Lisa McKee for details on how to enroll.