• Message from CEO
• CET Updates
• Mike Preston Award

From the Desk of Rob Halfyard, CEO
RFCSL is in full Spring focus preparing for CET scheduled for May 7-9th, 2024. We spent the last several months in preparation for this review and we feel very proud when we look back at all of our successes over the past three years since the last CET Certification review. RFCSL is excited to share with the surveyors how everyone from top to bottom has shaped our organization into what it is today. Through our collective, collaborative characteristics such as professional and dynamic, compassionate, passionate about the work we do, innovative, empowering our clients and each other, open and trustworthy, warm, and welcoming, we have been able to thrive.
RFCSL’s policies and procedures manual has been revised from cover to cover, written in plain language, to accommodate our diversified organization. The manual will be released by the end of April in digital format to all stakeholders including clients, guardians, employees, permitted subcontractors, etc. RFCSL appreciates all the feedback we received from various committees, employees, clients, guardians etc. to transform this manual into a tool that we can use daily to guide all of us to continually provide exceptional care for the clients we serve.
Once you receive your digital copy, we ask that you read the manual and provide us with feedback and other changes you would like RFCSL to consider assisting in making the manual more user friendly.
Due to this extensive project, RFCSL has fallen a bit behind with our quarterly engagement meeting. These meetings will be set up shortly and completed by the end of May. We look forward to meeting with you all.
RFCSL had several practicum students from ABES and other colleges, who have since joined our team. A huge welcome to RFCSL! We are so thankful to have you onboard with us. You are all a definite asset to RFCSL’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values!
Wishing You a Very Happy Spring
"Spring is the time of plans and projects."
To all our esteemed employees, subcontractors, and respite workers, your unwavering commitment and diligent work ethic have not gone unnoticed. The dedication you exhibit daily is the cornerstone of our ability to provide unparalleled services to our clients. It is your passion and perseverance that inspire and drive the success of our organization. As we approach the RFCSL CET, your participation is not just anticipated but is integral to the comprehensive survey conducted by ACDS. This event, slated for May 7th to 9th, 2024, is a pivotal moment for us to come together and reflect on our collective efforts.
In preparation for this significant event, we are meticulously updating all client-related documents. This process is crucial as it ensures that we maintain a cohesive vision and disseminate consistent information to those we serve. The unity and clarity of our message are paramount, and your role in this endeavor is invaluable. Furthermore, I am thrilled to inform you that our new digital policy and procedures are on the cusp of completion. These guidelines, once implemented, will serve as a beacon, guiding our digital operations with clarity and precision. They are designed to streamline our processes and optimize the use of technology, thereby enhancing our service delivery.
Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks for your continued attention and cooperation as we integrate these critical updates into our operational framework. Your contributions are the lifeblood of our organization, and together, we will continue to achieve excellence in all our pursuits.
With sincere appreciation,
Rakeshkumar Patel

From the desk of Kendra S. (HR. Manager)
Join us in a big CONGRATULATIONS to (Community Access employees) Jordan Lorentzon for reaching a 10 year-milestone, Tracy Dunn 15 year- milestone and Shelly Nedoborski 25 year-milestone. (Permitted Subcontractors) Carrie Chesney, Angela Margison for reaching a 15 year-milestones and Darryl Rupert for reaching 20-year milestone with Resourceful Futures. Thank you, Jordan, Shelly, Tracy Carrie, Angela and Darryl, for all you have contributed over the years, it is individuals such as yourselves that have enabled us to continue to provide excellent service. THANK YOU!
HUMI is a great platform to keep you updated on your trainings and required documentation for your personal file. Please check for reminders. We are also starting the process of adding surveys and performance reviews. Staff will now be able to create their goal(s) and RF will compete a performance review.
Sick Time Benefits –accrued sick time is paid out at the end of the fiscal year (end of March)
“Essential but Forgotten Campaign”
The Alberta Disability Workers Association (ADWA) is a provincial advocacy organization for all people employed in Community Disability Services who provide essential services to Albertans with disabilities.
In support of Community Disability Service Workers, ADWA has a provincial campaign to advocate for an increase in current wages: the “Essential but Forgotten Campaign”.
Coordinators Corner
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for letting us visit and complete home inspections in March. We appreciate the chats and hospitality.
We have C.E.T. (Creating Excellence Together- Accreditation) on May 7, 8, 9, 10. We are currently working with the management team to have all of our ducks in a row. The coordinators will be scheduling the home visits with the individuals that have been selected for the CET review.
Coordinators will continue to support and assist the Social Committee to host fund raisers on a monthly basis. If anyone has food suggestions for the lunch, please let us know.
If you have questions or concerns please get in contact with
Shelly shellyn@resourcefulfutures.org 587-747-1186,

Community Access Corner
Community Access Program had an amazing winter, our clients had a wonderful time engaging in their chosen winter activities. During this season, we were able to bring more clients to volunteer at Women in Need Society (WINS) and YMCA Genesis respectively. Selected clients were enrolled in programs like Emotional Regulations, Nutrition and Sexual Relationships facilitated by Supported Lifestyles both in person or on line.
The fundraising events that were hosted by Coordinators, in joint effort with Team Leaders, Client and Diversity committees, they were fun and successful. We received amazing supports especially from our clients. The first event was for Valentines Day in February. We had a pizza party, with chocolate treats and bingo. Our second fundraiser was for St. Patrick’s Day. This was a great celebration with all our clients participating in a parade around the block. There was a Pot of Gold scavenger hunt; everyone was lucky that day!
During Easter, we held a celebration with Easter games which includes egg hunt and Easter Bingo. Clients were given chocolate goodies in celebration.
We invite everyone to give a warm welcome to our new staff:
Tasie, Saron, and Rajinder (Ruby)
Please note as well that our winter activities will end on Friday May 3rd. We’re looking forward to starting our summer activities and getting back to the outdoors hopefully on May 6th.
Here are some photos taken during our St. Patrick’s Day and Easter celebration. Enjoy!
Guien, Sharon & Sam
Annual Mike Preston Award
Mike Preston was a former employee who, despite great personal adversity, did his best to come to work while dealing with a difficult diagnosis himself. He shined as a support worker who was dedicated to client care, treating them with great dignity and compassion. Sadly, Mike is no longer with us, but worked right up to his passing.
The award has a $500 value, given annually in December to an employee who exhibits exceptional dedication providing excellent, compassionate care to those in in services and contributing to the overall Mission Vision and Values of RFCSL.

Mike Preston Recipient for Year 2023

Client Relations Committee
- Mentor – Sam L.
- Chair – Dinah B.
- Co-Chair – Hetal P.
- Client Reps. – David B., Mirela K.
Employee Relations Committee
- Mentor – Kendra S.
- Chair – Jordan L.
- Co-Chair – Jun N.
- Employee Reps. – Alice Z., Jennifer B.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Committee
- Mentor – Sharon C.
- Chair – Charna D.
- Co-Chair – Lorelyn G.
- Employee Reps. – Adele S., Monica A.
- Client Reps, – Angel R., Megan T.
Health and Safety Committee
- Mentor – Rakesh P.
- Chair – Jessamine C.
- Co-Chair – Rosanna A.
- Employee Reps. – Oluwafemi A., Brigida O.
- Client Reps. – Marsha W., Maria B.

If you have any news, suggestions, kudos, Thank You’s or thoughts, please let Sharon C. know in person by phone at 587-747-1189 or by email at sharonc@resourcefulfutures.org. Thank you and hoping to hear from you very soon. Happy Reading!