Picture of RFCSL Admin

Newsletter July 2022

Highlights of this quarters issue:

• Food Pantry
• Committee Section
• Latest News

Director's Corner

“There are so many ways to enjoy the beginning of summer! (Despite the rain we are having). Whether you spend the day hiking, reading a good book on the beach or grilling some burgers, the important thing is that you celebrate summer. Spend time outside in the fresh air. Take long walks and visit a local park.”

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. Now that the pandemic restrictions have been removed (for the most part), we are in full swing here at the office preparing some exciting events. Here are a few of the highlights in the making.

Pandemic Policy Removed

RFCSL is pleased to announce we have terminated the pandemic policy effective July 1, 2022. All our operations are now back to pre-pandemic services and supports. However, we continue to practice all hygiene protocols in the office and encourage mask wearing as the virus is still lingering. Please support those who choose to continue masking and social distancing, as their circumstances may be much different than your own. The virus is still a significant risk to certain individuals.

Love in Action Pantry

Recently, inflation has been increasing around the world impacting us all financially. With the significant prices increases in food, gasoline, rent, mortgage rates, clothing etc., to help ease the burden of these inflation costs, RFCSL created, a Love in Action Food Pantry, Free Food Essentials for employees and Permitted Subcontractors. Thank you, Adele, for creating the name of the pantry! The pantry is upstairs at our main office and is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Items in the pantry are free and provided by donations from anyone who would like to contribute. There is a donation bin in the main entrance of the office for anyone wishing to make a food donation. All employees and permitted subcontractors are highly encouraged to visit the Love in Action pantry and help yourself to items available. A suggestion list is in the pantry for letting RFCSL know types of essentials/food you would like to see on the shelves. RFCSL would also like to thank the many folks who have donated to this amazing initiative.

Staff (employees and permitted subcontractors) Celebration

Another big event in the making is RFCSL’s Staff recognition/ celebration. This event is scheduled for August 26th, 2022, from 6PM to 8PM at the main office. The entire leadership team is working tirelessly to make this the most amazing RFCSL First Annual Staff Recognition/Celebration event.

If anyone has any accolades for any of the leadership team members or frontline, please send them to me at robh@resourcefulfutures.org and I will make sure they are highlighted at the celebration event.
We will have several giveaways, 50/50 draw, games, prizes, and food. Not to mention highlighting our amazing, culturally diverse workforce!

RFCSL represents over 28 countries, and we are all super stoked to make this event one of the most amazing celebrations ever and each year thereafter. So please mark your calendars and plan to be here. There will be free respite support on site if you need respite.

I have to say, it’s great to see RFCSL back in full operation, coming to work every day and seeing all the smiling faces, laughter, and the excitement of everyone. It makes me SMILE.


Please support us with any donations you can to help keep the shelves stocked.

Hope to see you all at the Staff Appreciation day on August 26th, 2022

Have a beautiful and relaxing summer everyone!!!

Rob Halfyard, CEO



Everyone at Resourceful Futures is thrilled to have Charna, James, Jarna, and Ferdinand joining our Community Access Team. Combined they have a several years of experience working in the community disability sector and we are very excited to see what they will bring to RF. Make sure you give them a big welcome. We’re happy to have you all aboard.


HUMI is up and running for both employees and permitted subcontractors. All documents in your file have been uploaded. Moving forward you must pay attention to the HUMI email reminders that you receive as it is your responsibility to comply with the requests in the reminders. If you are having any difficulties uploading documents, please contact Lisa or Kendra for assistance.


In the past month we have denied an abnormal amount of vacation and/or LOA requests. Since the introduction of HUMI many employees are submitting requests last minute. Please note RF’s policy is, a vacation request must be submitted at least 5 days prior for consideration. On HUMI all employees are able to access the time off calendar, you can view if your vacation is overlapping with anyone else’s on your team. RF will not approve any more than 3 vacations at a time without extenuating circumstances.

Have a safe and enjoyable summer!!!
Lisa & Kendra

Wow what a heat wave!!!!!!

With everything back up and running, time is passing by so quickly. Not having to wear masks is not just freedom but a blessing to see smiles on everyone’s faces.
A couple of new documents have been introduced. You may be asked to assist with completing a seizure protocol that outlines the steps to take to assist clients through a seizure, an eating protocol for those who have risks of choking or dietary needs/concerns, and a risk assessment which complements the response plan for those who have behaviors of concern. Thank you in advance.
Please remember to sign up your respite workers for mandatory workshops before they expire, you can find a list of dates on our website.
Happy Summer Everyone!

Linda Williams
Client Services Manager


Finally, summer has arrived and we made it through another Stampede!!

Hopefully everyone is doing well and have made some fun and exciting summer plans. If your individual will be away from the program and yourself, please reach out to your Coordinator or the Team Leaders so that we can adjust the daily schedule as needed.

Please ensure that your individual has sun screen, water and clothing appropriate for the hot weather.

We would like to thank everyone for your cooperation and understanding with the new HUMI program which is now up and running. Please remember to check your accounts for updates and documents that require your attention.

We have started a “Time to Shine” award for our Permitted subcontractors and would like to congratulate the staff for the month of May which was Venus and June was Wanda. Well deserved!!!!

If there is anything that we can assist with please do not hesitate to call, email or stop by.

Have a great summer and looking forward to see you all!!!

Tracy, Kendra, Shelly

Community Access Program

Calgary weather is like no other! We, at the Community ACCESS has mastered the Calgary weather blues, the unofficial 5th Season of the year which we called “Springter”. This is the sign that better weather days are coming our way. We had days that our staff and clients goes in the community well dressed in their spring outfits and came back to the office at the end of the day drenched because it rained. No offense but these times are the most fun part accessing the community. Having said that, we would like to remind everyone to please dress according to the weather condition. Summer days are here so, please make sure to come to the day program prepared. Bring with you your sunscreen, bugs spray, hat, water bottle, sunglasses, rain coat, or anything that can protect you from Calgary’s unpredictable weather.

We are so glad that on and off lockdowns are over! Thanks to all who did part in finding solutions to somewhat end this pandemic. Alberta has reached the vaccination requirement for herd immunity. We are not out of the woods yet, we are still in this pandemic but lifting all the restrictions such as masking and cancellation of health screening has somewhat brought us back to normalcy. However, we still have to take care of each other. Stay home when you are feeling sick, wash your hands, sanitize your surroundings, wear face mask in crowded and public areas and stay healthy.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank for the ABOVE and BEYOND performances of our Community Access Committees: Health and Safety, Social and Cultural Diversity, Employee Relations and Client Relations. They are currently busy ensuring their committee task are completed. You Guys Rock!!!

Sharing with you the highlights of the Community Access Spring Quarter Activities from Social and Cultural Diversity Committee.

Thanks and Keep Safe!

Marylenn Cortes and Jessamine Chuang


Thank you very much to our clients, colleagues, team leaders and administration team for the support, cooperation and participation in making our diversity party successful. The countries that we featured in our booths were Philippines, Canada, India, China, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Cameroon, Congo and Guinea. We were so excited to have the PRIDE booth join us with their vibrant and striking decorations. Our clients learned a lot about the history, food, culture and traditions of each country. The parade of the traditional costumes was the highlight of the presentation. Shout out to Adele S. for generously providing beautiful outfits to most of our individuals. Our clients gladly participated in each countries presentation and were so excited to share their talents especially in dancing and singing. The following performers were: India show casing a story in their Bollywood dance. The popular mini dragon dance from China. The African continent brought us to another place with their unique dance to the beat of their drums that made everyone dance along. We also have the popular dances “Tinikling” and “Itik-Itik” from the Philippines, which involved dancing with bamboo poles while doing a variety of foot tricks. Lastly, we had our dear Canada present a line dance featuring the hit song “Achy Breaky Heart” performed by some clients and staff. Another exciting part of the activity was to taste and explore each country’s delicious food and treats. The clients and staff discovered the unique taste of each food ingredients and definitely enjoyed each delicacy.

The goal of this celebration is: Multiculturalism

Which means we celebrate not only the heritage of our family and community but the backgrounds and beliefs of our neighbors as well. Multiculturalism recognizes that our shared national identity is enriched by Canada’s diversity; we are of various races, ethnicities and religions, we speak many languages, we have myriad customs – many cultures.

Different but equal, and support in promoting harmony and mutual respect.

Again, our big thanks to everyone and hoping to see you again in our next Party!

Employee Relations Committee (ERC) Update

Thanks to everyone who participated in the “Essential But Forgotten” letter-writing campaign!
It was so heartwarming to read your letters! Remember that if you haven’t gotten your letter done yet, you can still do so. Follow the steps on the website below:

Please share any responses you receive to your letters with the ERC team and continue to spread the word, raise awareness, and inform your friends and family of the important work we are doing! Use the hashtag #essentialbutforgotten on social media.

Here is the link to a petition that you can also share with people:

Lastly, I’ve included before/during/after photos of dyeing my beard orange in support of the #essentialbutforgotten campaign! It was a lot of fun (and only a little painful!)

Thanks again everyone!

Jordan Lorentzon ERC Chair

from your Mentor:

  • Our Cantina is open for business!!!
  • On-going sale of the 50/50 Tickets until August 26.  
    • 1 ticket for $2
    • 3 tickets for $5
    • 20 tickets for $20.

The more tickets you buy, the more chances of Winning! (Contact Sharon or Shelly)

  • Mark your calendars on August 26
    (6:00-8:00 pm) for RFCSL First Annual Staff Celebration. Don’t forget to RSVP Lisa via email lisam@resourcefulfutures.org or call (587) 747-1184 by August 15

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RFCSL Holiday 

December 25      Thursday        Christmas Day
December 26       Friday            Boxing Day
December 29       Monday         In lieu of Easter Monday
December 30       Tuesday         In lieu of Remembrance Day
December 31       Wednesday   Floating day
Jan 1, 2026          Thursday        New Year’s Day
Jan 2, 2026          Friday             Mandatory Day Vac or LOA


RFCSL Holiday October 13 Monday, 2025 Thanksgiving Day

RFCSL Holiday September 1 Monday, 2025 Labor Day

RFCSL Holiday August 04 Monday, 2025 Heritage Day

RFCSL Holiday July 1 Tuesday, 2025 Canada Day

RFCSL Holiday May 19 Monday, 2025 Victoria Day

RFCSL Holiday April 18 Friday, 2025 Good Friday

RFCSL Holiday February 17 Monday, 2025 Family Day

RFCSL Holiday January 01 Monday, 2024 New Year's Day
