Picture of RFCSL Admin

Newsletter April 2022

Highlights of this quarters issue:

• Message from CEO, Rob Halfyard

• Spotlight: Employees of the Month

• HUMI: the new HR Platform

• New Committee Members

• Clients of the Month (January, February, and March)

• Here is my Story: Scrapbook Class


Employee of the Month

December 2021

Congratulations to our Employee of the Month for December 2021. Guien started at Resourceful Futures in July 2015. Guien’s peers recognized her amazing contribution and dedication to providing amazing zoom activities for our clients during this challenging time. Her willingness to ensure the success of super Bingo for our clients also stood out, as well as her tireless effort in going store to store to get prizes, which the clients loved!

January 2022


Rio is a Community Disability Practitioner who has been putting smiles on  faces at RFCSL for over a decade now! Rio is flexible and willing to work with any client, either on-site or at her home, most especially during the pandemic. She is dedicated and true-hearted, as well as showing an excellent focus on being client-centred. Her peers and colleagues also highighted what a posititve outlook she has, and how respectful and supportive she is to her co-workers as well as her clients!

February 2022


Hetal is a Community Disability Practitioner who started with Resourceful Futures in September of 2014. Hetal recently has been promoted as a senior staff for her outstanding job performance. Hetal is forever dedicated to her clients, and her rapport with them is genuine and loving. She has an easy confidence that her clients respect and respond to, and is always able to have fun at work!


Director's Corner

“Every Easter, at one household or another, I find a battle begins and conversation of how to “properly eat” a chocolate bunny”

I have to say, seeing all the familiar smiley faces, hearing the abundant laughter, the excitement of everyone seeing each other around the office and at the facility, has certainly lifted my spirits.

Although we are not completely operational, we are well on our way, reorganizing everyone’s schedules, roles, and responsibilities from the impacts the pandemic has created. So please bear with us over the next month or so while we figure out these impacts and challenges to help us all ease back into some formal routines.

RFCSL would like to wish the few frontline employees who will not be returning after the pandemic, the absolute best in their endeavors.  And a huge welcome to the new employees who have recently joined our team.   

Wishing everyone a Happy Long Easter weekend in whatever way you choose to celebrate. 

Rob Halfyard, CEO


HUMI: the new HR Platform

We are happy to announce the transition to Humi, our new HR platform! This is where all your information, documents, and vacation balances and requests will be stored.  You will have complete access to all your documents with the ability to download and print at any time.

We’re quite excited about the Humi platform and to help make this transition seamless, please review your profiles, make updates where necessary, and notify us of anything that needs attention.

You should have received your activation link earlier this week; if you have not done so, please let either Lisa or Kendra knows.  If you do not see it, please check your junk / spam folder. Once you have verified your information you will be redirected to your Humi home page, and you will have completed your account activation! Once you have activated your account, please go in and play around, look under each section and their drop-down tabs.


We will be hosting a couple of 30mins informational sessions on how to navigate the new platform in the next couple of weeks.  For now, just go in and check it out and see what you can do on your own.  Do worry you can’t do anything that we cannot delete on this end if needed. 

Lisa Mckee
Director HR & Administration


IT’S SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems that winter wants to hang on and our weather doesn’t always feel like it, but spring has arrived. Spring for me personally has always been about change, renewing, organization, and new beginnings.

The old saying, “April showers bring May flowers” is about remembering that even unpleasant situations can have beautiful outcomes.   Together let’s shake off our covid brain, sweep out the winter cobwebs, and use the energy from our bright sky and the longer days, to get motivated again and do all the things that we put off until the dreaded tomorrow. 

I found this quote that I hope will inspire everyone.

“A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst…a spark that creates extraordinary results.” – unknown.

Thank you everyone,

Linda Williams
Client Services Manager


Welcome to Spring!

I would like to thank you all for the invaluable support you have provided our folks during COVID-19.  Your compassion and patience through these trying times do not go unnoticed.

As restrictions become lifted and we try to regain our normalcy, the coordinators will be resuming home visits and meetings held at the office or zoom.  We will continue to practice staying safe.

Please continue to update struggles and successes of the individuals you support.  Be mindful that getting back to THEIR normal may be challenging. We are a phone call or an email away to assist.

Shelly- shellyn@resourcefulfutures.org 587-747-1186

Kendra-kendral@resourcefulfutures.org 587-747-1182

Tracy-tracyd@resourcefulfutures.org 587-747-1187

Kind Regards,
Shelly, Kendra, Tracy

Message from Day program Coordinator

As everyone knows we will be approaching summer soon, and we will have lots of fun doing outdoor activities with our individuals. Hopefully by the end of June 2022, the Covid-19 pandemic will be over. RFCSL means creating responsive, high-quality programs that improve outcomes for individuals with special needs. The Day Program Coordinator engages in a variety of leadership activities that promote effective services for individuals with suspected or identified disabilities.

Another ongoing project is to create a “Meet the Staff” presentation for our Employee annual celebration Plan. We will provide more details on it in the coming months. Stay tuned….

Community Access Coordinator
Rakeshkumar Patel

Community Access Program

Although our Community Access Program was closed for two weeks in early January 2022 to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus onsite, the Social and Cultural committee members worked hard to make sure we still could have fun when we were working from home. Social and Cultural Committee presented the online presentation and activity to celebrate Chinese New Year with our clients. Special thank you to our staff for their participation, and assisting their clients during online activities. Big congratulations to Amanda, Andrew, Adele, Alice, and Yan as the winners for the Best Chinese New Year Costumes.

In the first week of March 2022, Community Access Program started to bring more clients back onsite. For some clients, it was their first time after two years from pandemic isolation, to be finally able to attend Day Program. To celebrate the first face to face party, the Social and Cultural Committee had organized an event to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and to bring the fun and excitement back to our Community Access Program. Clients and staff wore their St. Patrick’s Day costumes to celebrate our first party of the year. Although we still have to keep the masks on and maintain six feet social distance from each other, it was impossible for us to ignore the joyful facial expression from each other’s faces. The cake we shared during the party tasted better when sharing with our longtime friends and coworkers.

The pandemic threat to Calgarians is still on going, Community Access Program must mention the dedication of our staff and clients who have been following the RFCSL pandemic policies and helping to sanitize the facility to minimize the threat of the virus.

Starting April 2022, Community Access Program cancelled Tuesday zoom meeting (Virtual Tour, Fitness Tuesday) Wednesday (Cultural Presentation) and Thursday (How does it Made). We retained three zoom activity meetings for onsite and offsite programs. These three zoom programs are Bingo, Music, and Scrapbooking. We have decided to put a break on the rest of the zoom meetings as most of our clients are now back onsite, and we also want the in-home day program (offsite) clients to enjoy the outdoors during this spring and summer season. However, if situations of COVID or other circumstances happen we will bring back the zoom activities. Any special event will be announced on Caring Connections and/ or via email. Do not forget to login and join us for fun!

Marylenn Gaoat Cortes & Jessamine Chuang
Community Access Team Leader

Schedule of Zoom Activities:

  • Wednesday (onsite and offsite) Bingo 10:00-11:00 am (Zoom ID: 8951 1798 117) Music 1:00-2:00 pm (Zoom ID:8475 3444 032)
  • Thursday (Offsite only)- Scrapbooking and Conversation 1:00-2:00 pm (Zoom ID:84077910761)
- Marylenn Gaoat Cortes,
Community Access Team Leader


  • Social and Cultural Diversity Committee

    1. Guien C. (Chair)
    2. Shirley M.
    3. Lorelyn G.
    4. Kim M. (Client Rep.)
    5. Trevor P. (Client Rep.)

  • Health and Safety Committee

    1. Ousmane D. (Chair)
    2. Osmen B.
    3. Jennifer B.
    4. Elad N.
    5. Marsha W. (Client Rep.)
    6. Peter M. (Client Rep.)
    7. David B. (Client Rep.)

  • Client Relations Committee

    1. Evelyn L. (Chair)
    2. Hetal P.
    3. Dinah B.
    4. Noreen D. (Client Rep.)
    5. AJ C. (Client Rep.)

  • Employee Relations Committee

    1. Jordan L. (Chair)
    2. Gardar G.
    3. Alice Z.
    4. Jun N.


Client of the month of January 2022

Hamed displayed a happy, calm demeanor daily. We have seen him compromise, encourage, and befriend his peers. He has been such a pleasure to spend time with. Sometimes he never says no and he always follows his worker’s prompts.

Client of the month for February 2022

Mirela is always being a great help with cleaning, sanitizing, and volunteering to do garbages at our office. She also participates actively during the zoom activities, in which she shared her ideas and opinions and appreciated peers’ achievements.

Client of the month for March 2022

Jerry was nominated as client of the month for March. We noticed on several occasion that he is assisting and helping the clients that he is paired with especially during their access pick up. Jerry was also very patient and have shown empathy and compassion towards his peers, specially to his peers who had challenges with the English language. He is always willing to help his peers in every possible way he can. He is very happy, kind, positive person, and fun to work with.

HERE IS MY STORY: Scrapbook Class

Scrapbooking and Conversation: This activity aims to collect information regarding the clients to create a life story. This will help future supports to successfully create the best quality care for the clients

Every Thursday afternoon we are doing scrapbook and conversations online. It is a crafting and documenting activity adding some photos and journals. Our clients had fun doing the activity as it exercises their creativity as they display their memories in a scrapbook. An example of the topics discussed were things that make you happy, things that upset you, favourite foods, favourite activity and most important person in your life and so on. They shared these ideas with the group; it is a nice activity because it allows us get to know more about our clients and learn new things that they like. It is so fascinating to see how each and every one is eager to show their scrapbook and tell a story about it. 

Feedback Needed

We at RFCSL are currently changing our service model due to the Pandemic, we have our website updated, we did some system upgrades, and we started going online, using paperless log notes and reports. We want you to know that your opinion matters to us, and we want to hear your thoughts without judgement. We are requesting your honest feedback, suggestions, recommendations of any kind, areas to improve or anything that comes to mind that you think will help improve our service and our program. We believe we can do better and there is always room for improvement. We are excited to hear from you.

Please check our website:       www.resourcefulfutures.org

You can click the Feedback button of Resourceful Futures’ Website Home page and submit your feedback online. We also encourage you to talk to any of our committee representatives, and writing an anonymous letter to the office is also an option.

Thank you

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RFCSL Holiday 

December 23 Monday Mandatory Day off (Vac or Leave)
December 24 Tuesday Floating Day
December 25 Wednesday Christmas Day
December 26 Thursday Boxing Day
December 27 Friday In lieu of Remembrance Day


RFCSL Holiday October 14 Monday, 2024 Thanksgiving Day

RFCSL Holiday September 2 Monday, 2024 Labor Day

RFCSL Holiday August 05 Monday, 2024 Heritage Day

RFCSL Holiday July 1 Monday, 2024 Canada Day

RFCSL Holiday May 20 Monday, 2024 Victoria Day

RFCSL Holiday March 29 Friday, 2024 Good Friday

RFCSL Holiday February 19 Monday, 2024 Family Day

RFCSL Holiday January 01 Monday, 2024 New Year's Day
