- Message from the CEO Rob Halfyard
- Upcoming In-house Trainings
- Financial Director Updates

“Teamwork makes the dream work.”
I hope everyone is enjoying this endless summer! As we wrap up October 2024, it’s remarkable to note that there’s still no sign of snow. I wanted to take a moment to share some important updates and reminders with you.
Halloween Party
We are thrilled to announce that our annual Halloween Party on October 31, 2024, was a tremendous success! It was fantastic to see everyone showcasing their creativity in costumes and reveling in the festivities. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making this event so memorable!
Flu Vaccination Success
Our recent flu vaccination clinic on October 11, 2024, at RFCSL was a resounding success. A big thank you to Buffalo Run Pharmacy and to everyone who took the time to get vaccinated. Your participation is vital in helping us maintain a healthy and safe workplace.
Policy & Procedure Manual
Please take a moment to review our updated Policy & Procedure Manual, which is now available digitally. It is essential for everyone to familiarize themselves with these guidelines to ensure we operate smoothly and remain compliant.
Feedback for Improvement
We are constantly striving to enhance our services. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly. Your insights are invaluable in helping us grow and improve our workplace.
Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work!
Rob Halfyard
Operations/Financial Director Corner
I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had an amazing time and took a moment to reflect on all the things they are grateful for. I have several important updates and reminders to share with you.
Liability Insurance Renewal
Please remember that the liability insurance for all permitted subcontractors is due on November 15, 2024. Ensure that you send a proof copy of your renewed insurance to the HR department before the deadline. This is crucial for maintaining compliance and protecting our operations.
Employee Benefits
We are currently in discussions with various benefits providers to secure the best deals for our employees. Once these negotiations are finalized, we will circulate the details. Your patience is appreciated as we work to enhance our benefits package.
Online Systems Familiarization
As we move forward, we will be utilizing our online systems, such as Share Vision and Humi, more extensively. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these platforms. If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to email or call us for assistance.
Client Care
Client care remains our top priority. Please be diligent in your duties and seek help whenever needed to ensure the highest standard of service for our clients. Your dedication to their well-being is greatly valued.
Lastly, please remember to take care of yourselves to avoid burnout. Your health and well-being are just as important as the care we provide to our clients.
Thank you for your continued hard work and commitment. “Together, we can move mountains.”
Best, Rakeshkumar Patel
From the desk of Kendra S. (HR. Manager)
Join us in a big CONGRATULATIONS to (Community Access employees) Asmita Patel reaching 5 years, Jennifer Bater and Hetal Patel reaching a 10-year milestone and Christiana Taylor-Sam 15 year- milestone. Thank you, Asmita, Jennifer, Hetal and Christiana, for all you have contributed over the years. It is individuals, such as yourselves, that make it possible for us to continue to provide excellent service. THANK YOU!
Open Futures Learning
Continual learning opportunity for all Staff. Permitted Subcontractors and Respite workers have unlimited access to over 60 different modules to complete, if you are wanting to learn something new. Learn from experts, reflect on your practice, and apply your knowledge to improve the lives of the people you support.
Up Coming In-House training for Employees, Permitted Subcontractors or Respite workers that are requiring any of the trainings below.
Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) will be held Oct 23, 2024, 9am – 3pm
(any respite workers requiring this training please contact Kendral@resourcefulfutures.org to be enrolled)
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Will be held Nov 27, 2024, 9am – 3pm
(any respite workers requiring this training please contact Kendral@resourcefulfutures.org to be enrolled)
Safe Bathing and Showering training will be held Nov 20, 2024, 9am – 11am
(any respite workers requiring this training please contact Kendral@resourcefulfutures.org to be enrolled)
Client Advance Care/ End of Life Planning Nov 20, 2024, 11am – 12pm
(any respite workers requiring this training please contact Kendral@resourcefulfutures.org to be enrolled)
Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol Training First Session is scheduled on Nov 6, 2024, 12pm -3pm
Kendra S
Coordinators Corner
“Autumn, the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful.”
Happy October everyone!
The Coordinators would like to thank you for the home visits that were being completed in October. We are grateful for the continued support that you all provided every day.
October 11, 2024, was Flu Vaccination Clinic. We are indebted to Chandresh and Buffalo Run to come to our facility to administer the vaccinations. Thank You to Shelly, Linda and Kendra for organizing the event.
All permitted subcontractors, guardians and advocates please let the coordinators or team leaders know if your individual will be off anytime in December. The office is closed December 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. We reopen Monday, December 30, 2024, and closed Wednesday, January 1, 2024.
Please ensure Access Calgary is aware of the changes due to their holiday closures.
Special Olympics will start in October, look on their website https://www.specialolympics.ab.ca
to see when the individual’s sport begins.
From all of us, to you and your family
”Happy Thanksgiving”
Shelly, Linda and Tracy
This quarter we enjoyed the warmer months of summer.
July was all about getting our rodeo spirits on with the Calgary Stampede. Clients enjoyed going to the Stampede grounds and all the hustle and bustle. We even had our own Stampede Fun Day with Midway Games and a Pulled Pork cookout.
To end out the summer, we had our annual year end summer party at Prairie Winds Park. No water fight this year, but there was still a lot of fun that was had.
Clients and staff participated in games of Badminton, 3-legged race, Soccer and parachute games. RF provided a pizza lunch this year which was a huge hit.
Along with the ice cream dessert!
During September staff and clients observed National Truth and Reconciliation. Respect was given by wearing an orange shirt in recognition of Orange Shirt Day. On September 30th we watched a couple video presentations about Orange Shirt Day, and what Truth and Reconciliation means. We had a drum and vocal presentation from our very own Keith T. followed by a short presentation from the Assistant Team Leader Sam who shared the meaning of the colours of his Metis sash in respect to his Metis heritage.
It was a very good summer and coming into the fall season we will be starting our winter activities in November.
A special thank you to EVERYONE for the support and contributions you’ve made and continue to make to our program!
All the committees helping with organizing the events, as well as keeping us all safe.
Thank You!
Guien, Sam & Sharon

Client of the Month
June –David B.
July – Jared S.
August –Brady M.

Newsletter contributions and or suggestions are appreciated and encouraged.
Please contact Sharon C. (sharonc@resourcefulfutures.org) or Direct Line (587)747-1189. Thank you.